Monday, April 22, 2013

I will remember Massachusetts...

Hey guys!  Tess here, comin’ at ya with a guest blog post.  My mom has been doing a bad job of updating her blog so I thought I’d help her out. It's like she thinks I’m a lot of work or something!  Pffttt… whatever. I’m not buyin’ it.

I wanted to tell you about the big adventure I had last week.  Mom, Dad and I left the furry babies at home and flew on a big airplane and went to this great place called Massachusetts! 

Most nights I like to wake up for some middle of the night snacks, but last Saturday morning Mom and Dad wanted me to wake up to go to the airport at 3:30. I wasn’t really feelin’ that so I decided to sleep in for once.  But they FORCED me out of bed anyway and we headed out.  Mom and Dad brought a LOT of stuff with us, I think they’re high maintenance or something.  We even had to have a nice man at the gate carry some of our stuff for us, because Mom and Dad got coffee and didn’t realize they wouldn’t have enough hands to carry all our stuff - AND me.  Silly parents.

Me at the airport.
It was like the middle of the night - I was tired!

The airplane was awesome! I think Mom and Dad were more nervous than me.  All the people were so nice, and I got lots of snuggles, so I was a happy camper.  The airplane lady even gave us the front seat and we had a whole row to ourselves.  If flying is always like this, then I LOVE flying!  Mom nursed me almost the whole flight so I had absolutely nothing to cry about.  It was the best. 

Me and Mom on the plane. 
Me and Dad watching Elmo on the iPad.
I love the iPad.

After our super fun flight, the first thing we did was see Gramma!!!  I was sooo happy because I haven’t seen her in 2 whole months. I was just a little baby the last time we got to snuggle.  I couldn’t even hold my head up back then!  I think she was happy to see us too, except she looked like she was crying a little when we first saw her at the airport.  I only cry when I’m unhappy or hungry.  She was smiling though, so maybe she was hungry? 

Next we went to Gramma’s house – my first time!  And I also met some of my family for the first time!  Like my Grandpa and my cousin Alex.  I think we are going to have a lot of fun together!  I also got to meet my Auntie Steph, she was nice and warm and snuggly.  I haven’t seen my Auntie Wendy since I was 3 weeks old, so she barely recognized me! But I recognized her and she made me smile when she told me she is going to take me for mani/pedis soon.  Auntie Wendy also introduced me to my new Uncle Steve - they are getting married soon and I can’t wait for the party! Except Mom is probably going to make me wear a fancy dress.  Boo…  I also met some of Gramma’s friends who call themselves The Pussycat Mafia.  Sue and Deb told me I’m an honorary “kitten.” I’m not sure what that means but it sounds fun!

Me and my cousin Alex.
Me and Auntie Wendy
Pussycat Mafia member Deb with her sleepy kitten
Me and Auntie Steph.
Or Auntie Jonny, as my Mom calls her.

We spent the day at Gramma’s house and then drove to this great place called Smith College.  Mommy loves this place.  She always talks about it and puts lots of clothes on me that she buys there.  It seemed pretty cool.  She had a big important meeting there with lots of nice ladies.  It must have been important at least, because I barely got to see her for 2 whole days! 

The Alumnae House of Smith College.
This is where Mom spent all her time while we were there.
So much time that we didn't visit Baldwin House
OR get a single picture of the two of us together on campus!
Guess we'll just have to go back.

The first night, Dad and I dropped Mom off at her dinner and we went to our hotel.  Poor Dad seemed a little stressed out because he had so much stuff that he had to bring up the stairs.  We had 2 suitcases, 3 backpacks, and my pack n play.  The last people to stay in our room must have been very cold, because it was SOOO hot in there when we arrived!  I was very unhappy about it so I cried and cried and cried and poor Daddy didn’t even have Mom around to help him out.  But Dad got the room to cool down, managed to get all my stuff and set up my bed (all while I cried!) so I finally decided to go to sleep.

This is where we stayed.
Dreaming that I'm Usain Bolt.

Unfortunately, Mom had to leave us again in the morning but Gramma came to spend the day with me instead!  Gramma, Dad and I hung out in this great town called Northampton.  And then they would bring me to Mom’s meeting every couple of hours so she could feed me. I liked interrupting their meeting, but since I’m so cute I don’t think the ladies minded too much. Gramma and Dad also took me to a fun place called The Northampton Brewery.  They told me stories about a great party they had there the night before they got married. 

At Mom's meeting
Me and Dad at The Brewery

The next day I didn’t see Mom as much because Dad fed me bottles instead.  That was sad but I had so much fun hangin’ with him.  He works a lot so we don’t get to spend as much time together as me and Mom do.  We learned a lot about each other and had a great time.  I also got to meet Dad’s friend Adam at that brewery place again. Mom told me that Adam introduced her to my Dad - he's lots of fun, but he has gotten Mom and Dad in a lot of trouble over the years.  They say I should steer clear for a few more years until something they call my liver is stronger.

Me and Adam.

That afternoon something bad happened in a town called Boston, which I guess isn’t too far from where we were.  There was a big long race there that some of our friends were running in. My Dad was going to go cheer for them but decided at the last minute to stay with me in Northampton instead.  Mom was very happy he didn’t go since the bad thing happened.  They didn’t want to tell me about the bad thing because they don’t want me to be scared, but I could tell Mom was very upset about it.  She said she was just glad that me, her and Dad were all together and safe and gave me lots of snuggles, so I was happy.  She was also relieved our friends are such fast runners and were all safe.  I feel sad for the people in Boston, but it seems like a pretty great town so I think they will be okay.

The next day we got to see our family again.  Gramma, Grandpa, Auntie Steph, Auntie Wendy, my cousin Alex, Uncle Steve, and The Pussycat Mafia all came back to see me again!  It was great.  I got lots of snuggles and didn’t have to take any naps!  It was great.

Pussycat Mafia with Dad.
Me and another member of The PCM - this one was also Mom's teacher in kindergarten!
This is what it's like growing up in a small town, I guess!!!

After that I met Mom’s friend Miss Anita and I had my first photo shoot.  Miss Anita was so nice and I liked her a lot so I smiled a lot.  She made me feel like a model.  Miss Anita also took photos at my Mom and Dad’s wedding so it was extra special that she took my first professional photos.  

Here are a few shots!
Me, Mom and Miss Anita
Here is one she took when Mom and Dad got married.

That night I had my first sleep over at Gramma’s, I really liked it so I slept sooo well.  Gramma says we should have more sleepovers and I agree. 

When we were at Gramma's we got to see lots of old pictures.
This is me posing with a picture of Mom. 
I look scared because I can't believe my mom was ever little like me!
This is a picture of my Great-Great Grandmother!
Her name was Teresa too - just like me!
Her daughter (my Great-Grandmother) was also named Teresa, they called her Tess and she's the one I'm named after.
I come from a long line of great Teresas...

When we woke up in the morning, we took a walk to the lake next to Gramma’s house.  Mom told me stories about how much time she spent at the lake when she was little – with some friends like Miss Anita (the one who took my picture)!  She would swim and fish in the summer and go ice-skating and ice-fishing in the winter there. She says it was a great place to grow up.  It sounds pretty awesome – we don’t have any lakes near us in Atlanta but I think I would like living in a place like that.

After that we had to pack our bags and go back on the airplane.  I was so sad to say goodbye to Gramma at the airport.  Mom must have been too, because she cried and cried when we left.  I tried to snuggle her and tell her we’ll be back soon. She just doesn’t ever like to leave Gramma because that’s her Mom!  I can understand that because I wouldn’t want to leave my Mom either.  That must be hard. 

Gramma makes me smile.

The airplane was fun and I didn’t cry at all again! I just like being held so I was happy to be snuggled for so long.  I was also excited to go back and see the furry babies at home.  I can’t wait to go back and visit again though.  I just kinda wish we lived closer to Gramma so I could see her more.  Oh well. Maybe someday…

Mom was sad at the airport.
I was happy on the airplane.
Dad was tired when we got home.