Thursday, August 1, 2013

If you like sand dunes and salty air...

Hey you guys!  Tess here.  It’s been a loooong time since I’ve been the one to write to you!  I decided it was time for me to kick back into blogging action after my mom’s last post where I was not at ALL the focus! I mean, there wasn’t even ONE photo of me!!! Jeez.

For this post, it’s gonna be all Tess all the time. And LOTS of photos.

The truth is, I’ve been very busy.  Since I last updated the blog I have learned to talk! Obviously I can write, but I just mastered saying the word “Ma-ma!”  I’m not quite sure what it means, but Mom gets real excited when I say it!  I also learned to crawl. That’s been a lot of fun – I can get into all kinds of exciting places now.  I also finally moved into my own room!  I had been sleeping in a crib in Mom and Dad’s room, but now I’m a big girl all on my own.  I’m practically a woman.

Last week we went to this GREAT place called Cape Cod and I want to tell you all about it!

Our adventure started off by flying up to Gramma’s house.  

Mom and I needed to take a lil nappy on the plane.

I love going to visit Gramma – I haven’t seen her in 2 whole months so I was REALLY excited to see her again.  Mom, Gramma and I went shopping together while Dad stayed behind with Grandpa to do some work.  He does a lot of that. I don’t like it. He should spend all his time with me!  But it was fun to be just the girls. 

Gramma bought me this great Red Sox stroller for our trip.  It was so cool!

My  Gramma's friend also got me my very own steering wheel so I can drive.
It's great, it beeps and plays music and makes all kinds of noise!
Mom and Dad must love it.

The next day we drove for such a long time – across the whole state of Massachusetts! It was my longest car ride.  It was ok, but I definitely got bored by the end. 

Once we finally got out of the car I got to visit some new family I haven’t met yet!  It was very exciting. I met my uncle Pete, aunt Beth and my cousin Skyler. They are so nice and I loved them right away!  But then my mom left me and I was mad.  She never leaves me!  So I cried and I cried and I cried.  I wouldn’t even take a bottle.  I pretended I didn’t like bottles even though Dad gives them to me sometimes.  

They all thought I was upset because my teeth are coming in.  My Uncle Pete said they should put something called Scotch on my gums to take the pain away.  Scotch must be fun because Gramma got all mad when he suggested it and wouldn’t let them do it.  Maybe I can try to convince Mom and Dad to try it!

Finally I got bored of crying and decided to stop and sleep for a while.  Then I decided to wake up and start again.  It was fun.

I was happy in the morning though when Mom was there when I woke up. I was soooo hungry since I refused my dinner the night before.  I was also very tired from not getting as much sleep as I usually do. 

I had to sleep for a while in my cousin Skyler's bed 
because those Kerners wore me OUT!

We spent the day visiting with all kinds of fun new family members.  I met my cousins Jenn and Toby and also Pipere, Mike, Garret, Ali and Anders.  I have such a big fun family!  I’m so lucky.

It was great,
there were so many different people to hold me!

After that we got back in the car to drive all the way out to Cape Cod.  When we got there we got to see something called the Atlantic Ocean!  I thought the big swimmy thing in the backyard was big, well... I was not prepared for the size of this ocean thing.  Wow!  I couldn’t even see the other side!  And it was loud.  And it moved around a lot. I was a little scared when it would come after us and chase us up the sand. 

Sand is cool too.
The next 2 days we spent the whole time playing in the sand and being chased by the ocean.  Mom still made me take naps though!  How could she expect me to nap when there was so much cool stuff to see???  But I was pretty tired from all of my adventures so I gave in.

View from my balcony.

We stayed right on our very own beach!

Naps on the beach are better than other kinds of naps at least.
Everytime Mom would make me nap in my pack n play at the house,
I'd be like this when she came to check on me.

After a couple of days on the beach we drove in the car for a long time again and went to this really fun place called Ptown.  I climbed up this big tall tower where we could see everything and learned about these Pilgrim people.  They were English immigrants just like my Dad!  He says dealing with getting a Green Card these days is just as hard as what the Pilgrims went through in 1620.

We went to this great place for lunch where everyone had lobster but me!  I can’t believe Mom still won’t let me eat real food.  I mean, I love milk but those lobsters looked pretty damn good too.  Next we walked around and saw a big pirate ship and looked at the ocean.  It was a great day.

"Mom, you can't trick me.  
This red toy is NOT a lobster!"

Looking like a real local.

We did too much of this
Driving, driving....

But at least the views were nice!

The next day we went to look at the ocean some more.  But it was a special place to see the ocean called The Cape Cod National Seashore.  A nice man named John F Kennedy made sure to protect it because it is so beautiful.  I sure am glad he's a nice Hyannis boy and made sure to keep that place special!  

Dad is silly.

I thought I would take over the driving for a bit.

More seafood!
I tried eating my toes thinking they were clamstrips.

We also got to see the place where some old man called Macaroni or something called England for the first time a long time ago.  I don’t know why that’s special because my Dad calls England all the time! It’s no big deal.  But it was really pretty there so I had fun.

Dad talking to Nanny London on his cell phone in the same spot 
where the first trans-Atlantic message was sent.

Mom and Dad went on a date night that night. Sounds like they had fun, they were walking on the beach and saw this great place with a big deck on the beach and live music.  Apparently it was a private beach club but they just walked in like they owned the joint and they were let in!  I think Mom and Dad must be pretty special to get away with stuff life that.  I wish I was there but they needed a night out on their own.

The day after that was fun too because I got to meet some ladies called Smithies!  They were SO FUN and Mom laughed and laughed with them.  I wish we got to see these Smithie people more often.  I also got to hang out with Gramma a lot that day when Mom and Dad went out with the Smithies, so I loved that too.

The last day on the cape was a little crummy because it rained all day and Mom hurt her neck so we just kind of hung around. But I got to snuggle Gramma a lot so I was happy.

They all ate so much lobster!
Right in front of me!!!!

The next morning we left Cape Cod which was sad, but Mom was all paranoid about too many people leaving the cape all at the same time and thought we wouldn’t get to the airport on time.  So we left first thing in the morning, but then no one else apparently wanted to leave (I don’t blame them!) We were off the cape in less than an hour, so we had the whole day to hang out some more. 

We stopped in a placed called Plymouth where there was some old rock Mom made me take pictures with.  This was where the Pilgrims came when they moved from England.  What a long plane ride that must have been!

Mom tried to feed me in the restaurant but I just wanted to look at Gramma.

It was a nice last day with Gramma, then we had to go to the airport.  It was so sad saying goodbye but hopefully we’ll be back soon.  I just don’t know why we don’t live closer, I mean, it seems like it would be so much easier!!!  Maybe someday...

Me and Dad, at the airport, looking very sad to be leaving.

And I thought I'd just leave with some more videos of my first views of the ocean...