Hi guys! Tess here again – lots of people have been telling
Mom they like my blog posts better than hers so I’m taking over! At least for today. Sorry Mom!
This week has been a major adventure!!! Last Friday Mom and I flew on an
airplane again, but this time we were all by ourselves! We left Dad at home and we went up to
Massachusetts to visit Gramma again.
For Mother’s Day, I got us plane tickets to Massachusetts so the three
of us could be together. Aren’t I
such a nice baby?!
I was very sad to say Goodbye to Dad at the airport, I have
never been away from him for that long!
I was a little antsy on the airplane this time because I didn’t
understand what was going on. But
I was pretty good because Mom fed me a lot! That was sweet. I wanted to play a lot so Mom had to work
pretty hard to keep me entertained. She did a decent job and I didn’t fuss TOO
This is how I started the flight,
lulling Mom into a false sense of security! HA!
Didn't last long...
When we landed, my “Auntie Jonny” (or Auntie Steph) picked
us up at the airport! It was so
fun to see her!!! She is so smiley
and funny so I love spending time with her. It was so, so nice of her to come get us too.
Auntie Jonny had to pick us up because Gramma had to
work. I was so jealous – why does
she like those bratty kids at her school better than me?!?! But Grandpa was there and Mom made me
take a nap when we got to Gramma’s house anyway. As soon as I woke up, Gramma was home and she was so excited
when she walked in the house and saw us sitting on the couch. She came right over and scooped me up
in her arms and snuggled me and said “Ohhhh this is so nice to come home to
after the day I’ve had!” She
looked VERY happy so I knew then I got the right Mother’s Day present for her
and my mom.
I love when Gramma reads to me.
That night Gramma took me to an ice cream place to hang out
with the Pussycat Mafia – her best buds.
Except I was mad because Mom wouldn’t let me have any ice cream!!! I
couldn’t believe it. It was such crap.
She says I’m not old enough yet. Pffttt… whatever, Mom. She thinks I was fussy because we
stayed out past my bedtime, but I was just mad about the ice cream. To get her back, I refused to go to
sleep that night. I also insisted
on sleeping on my tummy, because I only just learned to do that a couple of
weeks ago and I know it makes her nervous! I decided that night was the perfect
night to start sleeping that way.
I hope she thinks twice before refusing to give me ice cream next time,
or else it’ll be another sleepless night! HA!
See how tired I look!? Still smiley though...
The next day we had a really fun cook-out at my Auntie Wendy
and Uncle Steve’s house! I also got to see my Auntie Steph and cousin Alex again, and got to meet my cousin
Chris for the first time. Except
Chris is old like my mom, he seems more like an uncle! I also got to meet my
new cousins Ben and Adam for the first time too – they are my new Uncle Steve’s
boys. I think Ben and me are gonna
be good friends because he’s only a little bit older than me. I think we will
all have a lot of fun playing together, just as soon as I can figure out how to
get my legs to work! I also got to
meet the rest of Steve’s family too – they are all soooo nice and so fun! I’m so excited that I get this whole
big family of people who think I’m so cute and snuggly. I just wish I got to see them more!
I made sure to wear my Red Sox bib
because my Uncle Steve is a Yankee fan!
Mom tried to get me to sleep over Auntie Wendy’s but I
wasn’t feelin’ it. It was just too
exciting and there were too many people I wanted to hang with. I refused to go to sleep again, so she
packed us up and we went back to Gramma’s house.
This is Gramma, Auntie Wendy and Auntie Jonny
setting up my pack n play for the sleepover.
They finally figured out how to set it up then
had to take it back down an hour later since I refused to sleep.
I'm just glad they are learning who is really in charge around here.
The next day we went to this great place called Yankee
Candle where it’s Christmas ALL THE TIME!!! Can you believe that?!
They have a huge Christmas village and Christmas trees and ornaments and
decorations and Santa – it was pretty awesome. Mom loves that place. So does Gramma. And so do I now!
Me & Mom in the Christmas Village room at Yankee Candle.
I look confused because I was thinking,
"If this is a candle shop...
where are all the candles?!"
Mom, me, Gramma.
Mom forgot to pack socks for me, so she bought me these
super fun socks that look like monster feet!
Aren’t they cool?!
Monster feet!
Even monsters gotta nap.
The next day we had to leave and ohhhh boy was I unhappy
about it! I cried and cried on the
airplane. Mom was super stressed
out about it but I didn’t care. I was just sad to leave Gramma. This was also the first flight we’ve
had where we didn’t have a free seat next to us. We were super cramped so Mom
didn’t have the space to feed me, which made me EXTRA angry. Mom says she’s never flying alone with
me again. Which is a good thing,
really, because I missed my Dad too much.
Me saying "No! Don't take me away from my Gramma!"
As sad as I was to leave Gramma and the rest of my family, I
was also happy to get home.
Yesterday, I had another awesome adventure at home – I went into the big
bathtub in the backyard for the first time!!! I have been wondering what that big thing is back there for
a whiel now – its big and blue and wet looking and since I have been born no
one has been in it. But Mom took
me in yesterday – that’s right, this bathtub is so big even Mom can fit in
it! It’s different from my bathtub
because it's a little cold, my baths are warm and soapy. But this was cool because Mom held me
the whole time and we got to move around a lot. I was a little skeptical at first but after I got used to it
I had so much fun. Mom was very proud of me for being so brave – I didn’t cry
once! I’m looking forward to a
whole summer of outside baths.
Another wonderful adventure in Tess' world and your story was just wonderful. Gramma told me all about your visit, the BBQ, meeting some more of your wonderful family and the plane ride - My Oh My - it was a busy weekend but, such a wonderful Mother's Day present for Gramma from your Mom and Aunties Wendy and Steph. P.S. Tell your Mommy that your blogs are so enjoyed and maybe she will let you write a whole bunch more !!