Saturday, December 14, 2013

Tess is One!

I'm too tired for words for this post... Just photos of Tessie's first birthday party! 

Thank you all for those who came - I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to open all of your incredible gifts!  The day got away from us.  

For those who couldn't make it, you were here in our hearts and we are looking forward to the days we can spend all our birthdays together!


Setting up!
Dad made a pretty amazing railroad crossing sign for our guests!

Birthday breakfast!
Snowman pancakes.

Breakfast while watching Polar Express!

Opening pressies

Hot cocoa bar and mulled wine

The spread!

Carnivore's Candy Shop:
Lamb Lollipops

Polar Express cake

Birthday cake

Tess and Nellie!

Tess and Violet

Tess and Violet are trying to fix the train, I think.

"Mom! Dresses suck! They're no good for crawling in."

The Jenkins!

One happy family!

Party dress

Hey what's in this box?

Christmas lights


Welcome to the Polar Express!


  1. Hey guys!

    Wow where has the time gone?.... Looks like you all had a fab time :)

    Love Nicki J xxx

  2. Such a lovely post. I was just looking for a nice party venue for my birthday this year. It is also my sister’s wedding and therefore, everybody is going to be there for my birthday. I need a bigger and a beautiful space for the party. I enjoyed going through this post though.
