Monday, February 25, 2013

Gramma visits!!!

Hey everyone, Tess here.  I asked my mom to help me type this because I wanted to be the one to tell you about how my Gramma came to visit me last week!  Oh my gosh, I am just the luckiest little baby in the world. My Gramma came here on a train, I don’t really know what that means quite yet because I’ve never seen one of these things… but I do know that it took her an entire DAY to get here!  That’s like, 2% of my life so that seems like a reeeeeeeeeaaaaaalllly long time to me!  Although… being on a train for that long probably seemed like 2% of her life to her too.

I was so happy to see Gramma when she finally got here!

I think she was happy to see me too...

But once she finally got here, we just had the best time!  Mom likes to stay busy a lot, she’s always making me take boring naps in my boring crib and runs around doing laundry and writing messages to you guys while I sleep.  But Gramma came here and all she wanted to do was snuggle me! It was the best week ever.  Every nap I took was in her arms!!!  She was so warm and snuggly, I was just so happy.  I am gonna have a talk with mom about letting me take more naps in her arms instead of my crib. 

Snuggle times!

We also did a lot of new fun stuff!  She read me all my books and I couldn’t really follow along with the words, but I LOVED looking at the pictures.  Dr. Seuss was my favorite, especially the ABC book. I’m gonna have to study those letters more with mom now so I can read these books to myself someday soon.  I think yellow is my favorite color.  I really love looking at the color yellow in these books.  Mom didn’t really realize that I was going to enjoy books so soon, so she hadn’t started reading them to me. But Gramma knew better and we showed mom how much I love being read to.  Which is awesome because now mom is reading to me everyday.  It's the best.

Me and Gramma reading Dr. Seuss.

Gramma is a good reader.

Dad's been reading to me too!  

Gramma also kept warning Mom that my first word will be the F word.  I don’t really know what that means quite yet, but I’m sure I will soon enough!  Whatever it is, Mom really likes it and says it a lot! Sounds like a great word!  Very versatile.

Laughing at Mom.

One thing that I didn’t like so much was Mom made me dress up in this girlie outfit Gramma bought me.  I don’t like getting dressed up at ALL – you can see here how little I like it:

Me the first time they tried to put me in this dress.  
And the shoes! Ah! I hated it.

Me in another fancy dress at Christmas.  Was. Not. Happy.

But since I love my Gramma and Mom told me I only had to wear it for a few minutes, I humored them and wore it for a bit. It made Gramma happy so it was worth it.

You can see in my eyes that I'm not really diggin' it but I gave in anyway.

Very skeptical.

One night Mom and Dad went out on the town.  They like drinking this funny stuff that makes them laugh a lot and makes their breath smells funny. Not sure why they like it, I prefer mom’s milk.  But Gramma and I hung out and partied.  It was awesome. I think we probably had much more fun than Mom and Dad.  Here was the text we sent to them:

Here they are on their date:  

"Painting the town red."

They weren't gone very long, they only had 2 of those drinks I mentioned earlier and here is a picture of them when they got home!  Its like they’re overtired for some reason! Jeez.

Another thing we did was play with some of my toys.  Mom has been setting me up with some toys already, but Gramma and I worked on grasping things with my hands. I just stare at my hands sometimes and think what a resource these things could be if I could just figure out how to control them. What power I could wield!  Gramma would hold up this little bear rattle for me, and while I love that little bear, the bastard (another cool word Mom taught me) would taunt me knowing he was just out of my reach.  But he’ll be sorry one day, because Gramma - and mom now too - have been helping me try to figure out how to get him.  Every day I get a little closer.  She’ll pull him out and at first I just stare into his eyes.  I’ll say “Ahhh… so we meet again, my fickle friend.” And I just get so close, sometimes I will actually wrap my little fingers around him but I can’t hold on for long.  Sometimes I get frustrated and let out a little squeal.  But I compose myself, punch him in his stupid little head (I’m REALLY good at making a fist so far) and try again. Sometimes I just wrap my arms around him and hug him instead since that’s all I can manage.  I am still trying to decide if I love or hate him. I’ll keep you posted.

This is a picture of me with another one of my toys that makes me a lil happier.
My worthy adversary is in the foreground.  

Other than that, we spent some time enjoying the nice weather. Apparently, up where Gramma lives there is lots of frozen white stuff covering the ground and it is MUCH colder.  We went to the Marlay House one afternoon and also went on some walks.  One day while Dad was at work, Gramma thought she could control the furry babies that live in our house while we went out for a walk.  (We have wild animals living in our house, did you know that?  Its like we live in a zoo!)  But the furry babies are much naughtier than I am, and run around like crazy.  I think they were trying to tie Gramma up with the long cords Mom ties to their necks.  We all laughed a lot about that. 

As usual, Mom bundled me up like we were up where Gramma lives!

Dad is the best at wrangling the furry babies.

The whole fam at the Marlay House, our favorite pub.

Sadly, after a glorious 6 days we had to say good-bye to Gramma so she could take the train home again.  I was so sad, but she made it very clear how much she loves me so I know she’ll be back to see me soon.  I think my mom was even more sad than me though.  She cried like I do when I am super hungry!  I thought only babies did that.  Weird.  But I know after this week that Mom, Gramma, and I are thick as thieves and we are going to have so much fun together over the years.  I can’t wait to see what kind of trouble we all get into together in April when we go up to her home to visit!


  1. This chapter is so precious and is definitely one of my most favorite to date.Tess has an AWESOME GRAMMA and the years ahead hold so many wonderful times spent together. Know that Grandpa is anxious to see his beautiful Tess in April and having Gramma and Grandpa babysit ... they are counting the days. What a wonderful visit for all of you - could just FEEL the warmth and happiness in "Tess's" words.

  2. How lucky is Tess! Love reading your blog Meag! She is a doll :)


  3. This is absolutely priceless!!!!!!!!

  4. Tess it sounds like you had such a wonderful time. I know that gramma can't wait to see you in April, along with her pussycat friends. Hopefully you will be able to get that bear rattle, good luck! Love you Deb

  5. Replies
    1. Whoops...that's me (Dorna) above...not some creepy stranger.
